Processing Time

Standard Shipping (Domestic and Int'l): 3-5 business days

Transit Time

Transit Time is the time it takes USPS or the postal carrier in your region to carry and deliver your package to you. We cannot give exact estimates of the transit time for your parcel because they can vary a lot from country to country, region to region and even from city to city. The only organization able to provide you with official transit time estimates is your country's postal service.

The following are general estimated transit times for regions around the world.

  • Canada: 2-6 weeks
  • Europe: 3-8 weeks
  • United Kingdom: 3-8 weeks
  • United States: 1-2 weeks
  • Australia, New Zealand and Oceania: 3-8 weeks
  • Asia Pacific: 3-8 weeks
  • Latin America and the Caribbean: 4-12 weeks

Some of the transit times above are very lengthy due to the speed and operation of the country's or region's postal system.

Longer than Normal Transit Time

Unfortunately, once a package is shipped, we no longer have control over its journey. If your package appears to be taking longer than normal please get in touch with us at:

The majority of the time, if an international package is taking longer than usual, it's because your country's customs service has selected it for inspection. Customs inspections can add 1-4 weeks to a package's transit time.

Customs & Import Taxes

Customers outside of the United States may incur additional fees or taxes when receiving your purchase. We recommend you familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations of your region so you know what to expect, as these charges are not something we can control or be fully aware of, as the seller. Customers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. Please do not ask us to mark the package as a “gift” or to lower the value of the package contents, as this is considered illegal.

For customers outside of the USA, you may receive notification from your postal authority when there is an outstanding customs fee. This fee must be paid by you before your postal authority will deliver your parcel. If you do not pay the customs fee, your postal authority will send the package back to us. If it is returned to us undamaged, we can refund you the costs minus shipping. We appreciate your understanding.

If your parcel is held for inspection by your country's customs service, it may be delayed in reaching you by 1-4 weeks depending upon the customs service inspecting it. We typically request international customers whose parcels are delayed to wait an additional 2-4 weeks to allow customs to finish their inspection and forward the package on to its destination.